Check-in starts at 8:00 AM, and set up complete by 9:45 AM
OPTION A - Vendor Sales 10:00 AM – Midnight
OPTION B - Vendor Sales 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Please complete all information to reserve a space. Vendor spaces are assigned as they come in.
We use the information provided to advertise YOUR business. Please supply as much information as possible.
Vendor fees are $25 per 10x10 space and may be paid by check payable to the Jourdanton 1909 Association and sent to 1306 Simmons Ave, Jourdanton, TX 78026, or you may pay online by visiting
All spaces are 10 x 10; however, you can reserve two spaces if needed.
You may email if you have any questions.
Food vendors must be approved before reserving a space. We permit only one food vendor per cuisine and cap the total number of food vendors to ensure the success of those participating. Food vendors must also comply with all City of Jourdanton Ordinances.
Information/solicitation-only booths are not permitted. To reserve an informational booth, you must offer children’s games/prizes or activities.
Downtown merchants, the Jourdanton 1909 Association, and no other entity will be responsible for loss, theft, injury, or personal property damage before, during, or after the event. All vendors are responsible for their property and provide their own set of equipment, such as tables, canopies, chairs, etc. There will be no electricity provided to vendors.
Only food vendors may have a generator, and it must be approved.
No vendor will be allowed to park/drive on the block that is encompassed by Simmons Avenue, Main Street, or Crouch Street between the hours of 8:30 AM – 4:00 or 6:00 PM – Midnight. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS! Simmons Avenue, Main Street, and Crouch Street become PEDESTRIAN walkways between 8:30 AM and midnight, and vehicles are not permitted on public walkways. By signing this agreement, you state you will abide by this clause. If you violate these rules, you will not be asked to participate again. Vendors are encouraged to arrive before 8:30 AM if they would like to drop items at their booth and then find parking. You may not park in another booth space for any amount of time. We will provide time for vendors who have chosen Option A, a lane of traffic, to pick up their items at 4 PM. If you have selected Option B, there will be no driving access to leave early. If you choose Option B and decide to leave early, you will need to carry your items to the parking area.
If you arrive after the road closure at 8:30 AM, you are responsible for providing your means of transporting your goods to and from the parking area to the vendor area. If you arrive late, you will need means to transport your goods and will not be allowed to drive or park within the block surrounding the Tax Annex.
No vendor will be due a refund for weather, cancellation, illness, or any other reason. Refunds will only be issued if the Jourdanton 1909 Association cannot hold the event.
Please share the event from our website or our Facebook page.
Do not create your own event using the name “Jourdanton 1909 Association” or “Jourdanton 1909 Founders’ Days.”
Advertising for vendors for the event will begin in April. We strongly encourage you to share these posts with your followers.